Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ready for battle!

Dylan has his 'war paint' on and is ready for battle.

The zoo has face paint in the kids area. Every time we go, Dylan insists on getting his face painted. Today he wanted to do mine too, but I escaped before he could get his clutches on me. Next time for sure..it'll be fun. Right?

As a side note..oh my gosh this weather is divine!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas to me!

For Christmas, Ryan gave me a gift card worth $150 to the store Anthropologie. I actually lost it somewhere after opening it Christmas morning at my parents house. After searching both our house and then searching at my parents house, we gave the card up as a lost cost. Thankfully, Ryan e-mailed Anthropologie and explained what happened. They ended up sending him the gift card code so that we could print it out and either use it in store or online. I ended up buying 20 things online, which is pretty good considering the prices at the store.

I was sitting at home this morning and hear a knock at my door. It sort of freaked me out until I saw the UPS man outside of our window. Lo and behold, my Anthro package had arrived. I haven't had a chance to go through everything in the package but I'm excited to start using everything. Love, love, love this store! If I get married, I hope they have a registry because I want to register there.

My parents also gave me a gift certificate to a local running store. Ryan, Dylan, and I went over there last week so I could pick up some shoes. I'm now the owner of my first pair of grown up athletic shoes (Brooks). I never quite understood why people made such a big deal out of working out in an expensive pair of shoes. Now that I've been working out in them, I'm seeing why. It's so much more comfortable in a higher end shoe. I used to get horrible pain in my feet from working out in cheap shoes. Now my legs hurt a little but I never feel it in my feet. So, so, so much nicer! Hoping they'll be helpful in working my way toward a more ideal weight.

As a side note-I highly recommend the YMCA. I can't say enough good things about them. Signing up with them has been a dream come true.

And now I'm off. Dylan has been under the weather so it's been a rough couple of nights around our house.

Night everybody!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'm a chef!!

Dylan helped Grandma and I make French toast for breakfast this morning. I let him help me crack eggs and I poured the milk. Afterward, I let him blend the mix with a fork. He loved doing it and didn't want to stop. Grandma then let him help dip the bread in the mix and he flipped a couple pieces with the spatula. As much as this age drives me nuts, I love it. He can do so much now and its fun getting to see him do new things.

Hope everyone had a great new years eve celebration. We spent it with my parents and some friends of theirs. Unfortunately, Dylan woke up vomiting this morning BUT he seems to have made a full recovery. Yay! Hold off Mr. flu bug for a little bit longer. :-)